Avsyou adding audio
Avsyou adding audio

avsyou adding audio

All PDF help files are available for download at the programs pages at AVS4YOU web-site (both and ). PDF Documentation The offline help is also available as a pdf-file that is optimized for printing. Please note, that the most complete and up-to-date version of AVS4YOU programs help is always on the web. You can find the Online Help at our web-site. Online Help include all the content from the In-product help file and updates and links to additional instructional content available on the web. After that you will be able to use it through the Help menu of the installed AVS4YOU software.

avsyou adding audio

Please, visit AVS4YOU web-site at to download the latest available version of the help executable, run it and install into the AVS4YOU programs folder. In-product (.chm-file) and Online Help To reduce the size of the downloaded software installation files the in-product help was excluded from the installation although you can always download it from our web-site for your convenience. Resources Documentation for your AVS4YOU software is available in a variety of formats: It's not necessary to adjust these effects properties.AVS4YOU Programs Help AVS Audio Editor © Online Media Technologies, Ltd., UK. Right-click the audio track at the Timeline and choose the corresponding option from the menu.

  • Use the Fade Out effect to gradually decrease the sound volume at the end of the audio track.
  • Use the Fade In effect to gradually increase the sound volume at the beginning of the audio track.
  • You can also quickly and easily apply the Fade In and Fade Out audio effects to smooth the boundaries of the audio track or a transition between two tracks. Click the OK button to apply the changes. The audio levels you set affect your entire movie.

    avsyou adding audio

    the bottom slider is used to adjust the added audio track volume.ĭrag the necessary slider to the left to decrease the volume or to the right to increase it.

    avsyou adding audio

  • use the upper slider to set an audio level for the main video soundtrack,.
  • The Volume and Balance window opens:ĭefault settings allow you to play both audio tracks at equal levels. Click the Volume and Balance button at the Timeline Toolbar. If you want to keep the original audio, you might need to use the Volume and Balance option to determine which audio will play louder than another one, so that a conversation in your video clip can be heard over the music playing in the background. To do that, right-click the audio track of the main video at the Timeline and select the Mute option from the menu to switch off the original audio playback. If your input video file was recorded with sound, you can fully mute the original audio track.

    Avsyou adding audio